Planning & Composing Your Papers

The first thing you should do is to develop a topic. You need to select a topic that you feel comfortable about. Selecting an interesting topic will help you maintain concentration on the particular work that you are doing. You will get more to write since you are well conversant with the topic.

Just in case you lack ideas on the topic on which you can do some research, you may decide to flip through your textbook, go through recent newspapers and magazines, browse the encyclopedia, talk to your supervisor, librarian, or a classmate.

Research task: outline your subject

Before you choose a particular research topic, you should have an understanding of the subject that you are tackling.If you need help with your custom research paper ask for pro assistance. Also you have to consider the following:

  • Can you choose your assignment, or will it be assigned to you?
  • The number of words that you would need to write and the length of your presentation.
  • When are you required to submit your assignment?
  • Do you require any specific sources, such as a book or a scholarly journal?

If you are not sure of the above information, you would have to check with your supervisor, and you would later develop a research question.

Locate information

You have to understand the sources of information accessible to you before you commence your research. Some of the sources of information include:

  • Dictionaries and encyclopedias: help people to understand the definition of a specific word or topic.
  • Books: they are resourceful for broad topics
  • Images and videos: it can describe so much
  • Websites: careful evaluation of the quality is required.

To access the library materials when you are off-campus, you will be required to use your school email ID to log in. After logging in to your library off-campus, you’ll be able to get access to the library materials from anywhere at any time. 

Evaluation of information

As you do your research, you have to find accurate, reliable, and appropriate information that suits your assignment. Some assignments require different sources of information, including primary sources, secondary sources, the internet, and some specific periodicals. There has to be an evaluation of information before a student chooses to do their assignments.

Compose your work

Doing research writing is, most of the time, challenging. A student should know how to paraphrase work and take notes.

Paper writing could include these steps:

  1. Note-taking,
  2. Paper outlining,
  3. Incorporation of source material,
  4. Writing well and making use of grammar guide,
  5. Writing assignments such as literature review and annotated bibliographies.


Reference is a program containing information that refers to data store somewhere as opposed to containing data itself. The format of citation varies depending on the field of someone’s study.

Reference styles: several styles may be used for a piece of work, depending on the instructor. It may include formatting and punctuations. The styles include APA, MLA, Turabian, and Chicago.

Bibliography: it refers to a list of references that are found at the end of the paper. In APA, a bibliography is known as a list of references, while in MLA, it is known as works cited.


Students should have proper planning of their work so that they can be successful in their academic papers.

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